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The UATO COLLECTION Project – RECORDS OF THE ALTO XINGU BY DALTON VALÉRIO, is the transformation of the photographer's personal experiences in the Alto Xingu together with the ¹Kalapalos in his first collection of NFTs. There are eight images selected from a lifetime, collectible fruits of his first photographic expeditions, solitary explorations, and wanderings that led to a relationship of friendship and respect through the understanding of the profound differences in the lives lived by two human beings.

He, the urban being, like practically 57% of the planet's inhabitants, people like me and probably you as well. And the indigenous people like the Indian Loike Kalapalo, who represent less than 1%² of the world population and 15% of the least developed, with whom Dalton was lucky enough to cross paths in the Xingu Indigenous Park, Mato Grosso – Brazil.

This meeting between the two individuals and the distance between their two ways of living impacted Dalton in a profound way. The awareness of the concept of Uato³ and the fact of being considered as such instigated the artist and made his return from Alto Xingu with much more than good memories and rolls of films in the luggage. Dalton also returned with new values, new roots, and friendships. 

This represented a personal and professional turn in the photographer's life, from the urban being Dalton Valério, transforming him into Uato Dalton. The same human being, the same individual, the same artist, but now able to focus his lens beyond the beautiful moments and landscapes that the Xingu offers in its abundant natural beauties. Deepening and deepening his gaze on people, on individuals, and on friendly relationships.

Living with Loike made him perceive the world from another perspective once again in his life; we'll talk about it later. And it also resulted in a purpose, which for now is more critical, in Uato Dalton's desire to understand, respect, and help a community, preserving and promoting its traditional aspects and its culture, valuing its heritage and ancestry. Observing Uato Loike and learning from his way of relating to the world, to his family members, and to us, urban beings.

This personal experience offers us an exclusive collection of NFTs, where we can access, know and participate in a story that is being written now, contributing to building a positive legacy, understanding and respecting a different way of life in a magical and with which we have lost contact, our own planet in its most natural state, lived by spectacular individuals, and why not call them friends?








¹Caapalos are a group indigenous who inhabits the south of the Xingu Indigenous Park, no state do Mato Grosso, no Brazil.

² 5% considers all indigenous tribes in the world, 500 million individuals in 90 countries and 5,000 cultures, in the case of the Kalapalos, it is about 800 individuals, which corresponds to a tiny fraction of the world population.

³Uato means friend inCucuro-Calapalo language, language family caribbean, spoken by the Calapalos,.

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