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Dalton´s photos are pure love for nature, an act of celebration of life and the Brazilian people.


His art starts from the capital, from the centralities, and reaches the villages, the peripheries and slums. Bringing up a view from the bottom, from the holds of the ships that populated our lands, from the back of houses, shops and industries. From the middle of the street, from the corners and sidewalks, from the crops, from the woods and from our land. It records our people, our mixture and miscegenation, they are like interpreters of the soul of a people who work hard and have a hard life, but who still sing and enchant.


The reverse and the reverse, the story in an instant. On the one hand, the immense profusion that is Brazil in its continental, Amazonian, sertanejo abundance, of paths and swampland, of beaches and pampas. Samba, Capoeira, Festas Juninas and Traditional Celebrations. Apotheosis of natural and cultural beauties. On the other hand, inequality and violence, both trivialized, ordinary, everyday, institutionalized.


Dalton provides us with personal files that are portraits of our memory, small treasures, testimonies of what has happened in the last 25 years.


“It is necessary to document, everything is being modified quickly”


They are clippings, fractions of time that show the Brazilian people and Brazil in its essence, its beauties, its people and how they live.

dv Florianópolis dec2012_DSC6071.jpg
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